About RHC, Mission and Vision
Founder, Director, and Principal Counselor ​​
Nationally Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CCMHC)
​Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) in Illinois
​Experience counseling clients dealing with difficult life transitions,
anxiety, mood disorders, ADHD, autism, grief and loss, and trauma.
Adults, adolescents, and children (age 6+).​
Client-centered approach
Art and play therapy
Experiential activities, mindfulness, meditation
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy
Bereavement counseling
Coordination with schools about 504/IEP plans
Emotional Support Animal (ESA) letters
Passionate about social justice, specifically equal access to healthcare​
​Adjunct professor at Concordia University Chicago
College of Social Sciences and Human Services
Doctoral candidate of counselor education and supervision
Governor's State University​​
Dedicated to studying grief and loss, intended dissertation topic: spiritual belief and the grieving process
Master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling
Concordia University Chicago
Bachelor's degree in psychology
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign​​​

I grew up on a street called Rolling Hills Road in a wonderful little suburban neighborhood. The road was precisely named, with several small, gentle hills and one large hill that ended just in time to turn into the driveway with ease. The large hill was perfect for us kids to coast down on our bikes, and we endearingly referred to it as "The Big Hill".
My mission for Rolling Hills Counseling is to emulate the sense of safety, care, and security that I was privileged to grow up with. To foster a safe and confidential place for clients to bring their whole selves and be accepted unconditionally for who they are. To bring the best of my knowledge and experience. To help you uncover the authentic and beautiful power you have within to heal, grow, and change your life.
*Designated safe space for clients of diverse backgrounds, including immigrants and members of the LGBTQIA+ community
You’re 10 years old on sunny 83-degree summer day. A gentle breeze is flowing, making the heat of the sun pleasant rather than uncomfortable. The sky is a bright blue, and the clouds are puffy and white making them perfect for cloud watching. The air is permeated with the smells of summer – hot asphalt, freshly mowed grass, lilac blossoms, and an Earthy smell from the nearby lake.
You just finished your lunch of Kraft mac and cheese and a Pacific Cooler flavored Capri Sun. You rush out of the house barefoot, too excited to waste precious time putting shoes on, and hopped on your brand-new Trek 360 mountain bike. You zoom out of the driveway, pedaling as fast as you can to get around the block. There are some small hills to pass, but it’s worth the effort and certainly better than peddling up The Big Hill.
There may be a moment where you stop to catch your breath, which gives you the strength to pedal even harder up the next hill. With the momentum driven by your hard work, it’ll be easier the next time your faced with a similar hill. The more times you make it around the block successfully, the easier those hills are to climb.
Finally, the moment arrives. You’ve finally left that unhealthy relationship, bought your first house, graduated college, landed that job, or are finally able to leave the house without having a panic attack…. You’ve tackled each one of those hills with courage, and now it’s time to celebrate your strength, resilience, and determination by basking in the glory of the pure innocent bliss that is coasting down The Big Hill.
Without a care in the world, you soar down the hill so quickly that you're convinced the wheels will lose contact with the ground and you'll take flight. All you see is the path in front of you; houses and people flying by so quickly that you feel unstoppable. All you hear is the whooshing of wind. All you smell is summer. All you taste is warm, humid air.
Nothing else matters in this moment. All other thoughts and feelings melt away. You take a leap of faith in yourself be letting go of the handlebars for 1-2 seconds to fully soak in the uninhibited freedom, power, and joy that you feel. You fully trust yourself and your ability to successfully tackle life's sharp peaks and valleys. You've conquered all obstacles that came your way with grace, and you are proud of the work you've accomplished.
What better place to practice your "bike riding" skills then on Rolling Hills Road?